
Dehumanization compounds already existing problems with mental health and can create new ones. I am creating space in my life to take the time to really listen to other humans.

Ones that are similar to me.

Ones that are different.

What they feel.

Their experiences with life.

What they love.

Who they love.

How they hurt.

Their pain. There's so much pain.

These are the things I am currently working on to remember we are all human, and that it's harder to hate up close.

  • No name calling. Not of others, not of myself.

  • Take three deep breaths before responding automatically.

  • Get out of my head and into my body so I can really listen to what I'm being told.

  • Empathy. Feel it. Learn it. Get comfortable being uncomfortable.

What is one thing you can do today to rehumanize the people around you?

Brené Brown has an amazing section on dehumanization in her book Braving the Wilderness. I highly recommend it.


The Magic of the Lake

